Sunday 28 January 2024

Term 3: Website Designing-Criterion A:Inquring & Analyzing

 Global context: Personal and cultural expression

Key concept: Communication.
Related concept: Form.
Statement of inquiry: Interaction with clients using appropriate communication techniques drives design decisions to express their personal ideas using multiple forms of media.

ATL skills: Communication skills, Research Skills.

Assessment Criterion:
STRAND 1: Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem
STRAND 2: State and prioritize the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem
STRAND 3: Describe the main features of an existing product that inspires a solution to the problem
STRAND 4: Present the main findings of relevant research

Find an interesting product to sell online. Create a brand name, logo and a short animation/illustration to sell the product on your website. You will create a website using or

You can think of any product that you can advertise and sell on the website.
You can find products on any online store like
You can create your logos, banners, advertisement videos on
You can use pictures and videos from the Pexel website:

April Week 2

TASK 1: Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem

Explain the following, 

  • What are you interested in selling?
  • Who is the supplier( you can add the links)? 
  • Why is it important to sell?
  • What problem is solved when the product is sold to the target audience?
  • Who may be most interested in buying (Target audience)?

Task 2 - State and prioritize the main points of research needed to develop
In this task, you will identify what information you need to create your website. Focus on the graphics and illustrations you need to add to the website. 

Include your researching findings on;

Logo: ??
Brand Name: ??
Short Video Advert/Illustrations.
Product pricing (purchase price, shipping-cost, profit and final selling price)
Product Details/Specifications.
Other related product links.

Conduct an interview with the target audience or client and include your findings (Interview or survey. Ask questions that will help you know what your customers/target audience want.

April Week 3

Task 3: Describe the main features of one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem

Look at the existing e-store/websites on the internet. Add the pictures of the product related to your ideas in the table below and answer the questions to analyze it in detail.

Task 4: Present the main findings of relevant research.
According to your research, what are your conclusion?

Explain the main features you will include in your website?
According to the SWOT Analysis, What are the strengths and weaknesses that you will put into consideration when designing your website?

The worksheet includes all the tasks of Criterion A. Complete and upload the worksheet on Managebac at the task name; Criterion A: Inquiring & analyzing.


Thursday 25 January 2024

Website Designing


This Term 2, Students will create a 3-5 paged website that sells a product.

This week students will focus on.

·        1. Finding an interesting product to sell.

·        2. Create the brand name, logo, banner and thumbnail (Advert display page).

·        3. Create a 1–2 mins advertisement to add to the website.


Recommended Software and Tools

Finding the product


Creating the brand name, logo, text, banners

·    for text and logos.

·    for logos and banners and thumbnails.


Creating a 1–2 mins advertisement to add to the website or to any social media.

·     for animated presentations and videos.

·    for Pictures and videos without copyright restrictions.     for removing backgrounds from downloaded images